Positive German Adjectives for Expressing Enthusiasm

Let’s look at some positive German adjectives that are used to express enthusiasm. It’s good to get comfortable using these adjectives. That way you know what to say when a friend tells you good news or when you want to compliment your co-worker’s efforts.

The word ausgezeichnet

Ich muss sagen: überwältigend! –Ausgezeichnet! Ausgezeichnet!

I must say, overwhelming! –Fantastic! Fantastic!

Ausgezeichnet is also the participle of the verb auszeichnen, which means “to award” or “to distinguish.”

Mit dem Architekturpreis Green Building wurden in Frankfurt kürzlich acht Gebäude ausgezeichnet.

Eight buildings in Frankfurt were recently awarded the Green Building architecture prize.


Some Popular Positive German Adjectives

Of course, these German adjectives don’t really have fixed translations. For example, you can easily translate großartig as either “great” or “awesome.” Generally, it’s better to pick an adjective that sounds natural in English.

Es ist wirklich großartig, von Ihnen zu hören.

It is really great to hear from you.

Das ist natürlich auch toll, wenn man eine gemeinsame Sache hat.

Of course, it’s also great when you have something in common.

Das klingt hervorragend.

That sounds amazing.


Some Familiar Positive “German” Adjectives

Of course, the German adjectives superfantastisch, and exzellent might sound familiar. Additionally, there is the adjective wunderbar, which you may recognize.

Und da ist dann der Balkon. -Ah, mit Balkon, wunderbar.

And there is the balcony. -Oh, it has a balcony, wonderful.

Achtung! The Adjective geil

Another German adjective that you may come across is geil. It is generally used by younger Germans in their 20’s and 30’s. But be careful: this word also has another meaning that is not appropriate in most conversations! However, it is a common slang term for “awesome” or “fantastic” as well.

Und wie war’s? –Geil, wie immer.

And how was it? –Awesome, as always.

In addition, you can learn about expressing frustration and disbelief in German. Just look at our blog post on the topic!

Learning German with Yabla

If you want to continue to expand your vocabulary, check out the Yabla language learning platform. With Yabla, you can discover a new world through videos from German-speaking countries. Our videos all feature native speakers. They range from news reports to music videos, movies, documentaries, interviews, TV shows, lessons, and much more. Additionally, you’ll have the help of interactive subtitles, vocabulary reviews, comprehension questions, and dictation exercises. Go on your own language-learning journey with Yabla!

Yabla offers you the possibility of learning at your own pace and through videos pertaining to your interests. Expand your horizons by learning the most spoken language in the European Union.

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