Expressing Frustration and Disbelief in German

Let’s look at phrases for expressing frustration and disbelief in German. Some of the expressions below are similar to English phrases, while others have a much harsher meaning than their literal translations. Take a look below, and also see our blog post on expressing enthusiasm in German. Das kann nicht …

Positive German Adjectives for Expressing Enthusiasm

Let’s look at some positive German adjectives that are used to express enthusiasm. It’s good to get comfortable using these adjectives. That way you know what to say when a friend tells you good news or when you want to compliment your co-worker’s efforts. The word ausgezeichnet Ich muss sagen: …

Funny German Idioms and Expressions

How many German idioms are you familiar with? German may have a reputation as a complex and serious language, but, in fact, there are many idioms and expressions that are quite humorous. Using idioms in your conversations will help you relate to people better, because they add an aspect of …

Basic Tech Terminology in German

There are many words in German that are similar to English – and basic tech terminology is no exception. You may have already noticed that, in general, a lot of German tech terminology comes from English. For example, the word “Internet” remains unchanged in most languages, with the only variation …

By accident or on Purpose? Expressing Intent in German

German can be a tricky language. But even if you’re not always able to express yourself perfectly at the beginning, it’s good to be able to clarify your intentions. So for those awkward moments in German – and in life! – here are a few different words and phrases to …

Top 10 Essential Beginner German Phrases

So you’re thinking about traveling to Germany, or maybe you have a new German friend whom you’d like to impress with some basic conversational skills. In this post, we’ll show you the top 10 Essential Beginner German Phrases you’ll need to know when you’re just starting out. Introductions The first …

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