Expressing Frustration and Disbelief in German

Let’s look at phrases for expressing frustration and disbelief in German. Some of the expressions below are similar to English phrases, while others have a much harsher meaning than their literal translations. Take a look below, and also see our blog post on expressing enthusiasm in German. Das kann nicht …

Positive German Adjectives for Expressing Enthusiasm

Let’s look at some positive German adjectives that are used to express enthusiasm. It’s good to get comfortable using these adjectives. That way you know what to say when a friend tells you good news or when you want to compliment your co-worker’s efforts. The word ausgezeichnet Ich muss sagen: …

German Vocabulary for the Holiday Season

Do you have some time off for Christmas and New Year’s? Expand your German vocabulary with this list of German words for the holiday season! From die Adventszeit to das Weihnachtsessen, here are some words you should know: der Adventskalender — The advent calendar. These are available in stores starting …

All about studying in Germany

As the price tags on higher education programs in the United States and England continue to soar, many students who want to go to college or graduate school are considering studying in Germany. Why is this and what should you know before applying? 1. Internationally recognized degrees The system of …

Moving to Germany with your Family

Are you considering moving to Germany? Moving abroad can be difficult enough without the added pressure of ensuring your entire family settles in as well. To help you prepare for the journey ahead, here are five useful things to know about family living in Germany — from figuring out the …

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